N-acetyl L-cysteine, also known as NAC, is a semi-essential amino acid–the building blocks of proteins. NAC has wide range of beneficial effects on your body, with many specifically improving lung function. One of the common uses for NAC is to loosen mucus in air passageways, improving outcomes of pneumonia infections. Not only does it help on the macro level, but on a cellular level, NAC helps replenish your lungs with one of the most powerful antioxidants: glutathione. Glutathione helps reduce inflammation in your bronchial tubes and lung tissue.

Studies have shown 600 mg of NAC twice a day significantly improved lung function and symptoms in those with pulmonary disease. By thinning mucus in your bronchial tubes and boosting glutathione levels, NAC may help decrease the severity and frequency of wheezing, coughing and respiratory attacks.

The glutathione produced by NAC doesn’t just benefit your lungs, but benefits your brain, kidney, liver and heart function. NAC benefits your kidney and liver by preventing damage caused by toxins in pharmaceuticals and in the environment. NAC benefits your brain by regulating glutamate and preventing oxidative stress to your neurons. Animal studies suggest that NAC may slow the loss of cognitive ability in people with Alzheimer’s. It has also been shown to increase nitric oxide production, which helps veins dilate and improves blood flow. This expedites blood transit back to your heart and can lower your risk of heart attacks

Thorne Research is a brand trusted and taken by doctors and health experts, like Dr. Rhonda Patrick. Thorne’s NAC supplement comes highly recommended with a 4.5 Rating on Amazon. Dosages range between 500mg to 1g, with increased dosage depending on infection.

Cysteine is found most high-protein foods, such as chicken, turkey, yogurt, cheese, eggs, sunflower seeds and legumes. Supplementing with NAC has also been shown to help those with various psychiatric disorders through increasing glutathione and regulating excessive glutamate. Research has shown efficacy in treating OCD, bipolar disease, depression and even in addictive behaviors like cigarette and cocaine use.


Efficacy of Oral Long-Term N-acetylcysteine in Chronic Bronchopulmonary Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Published Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials

Cysteine Metabolism and Metal Toxicity

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N-Acetylcysteine in Depressive Symptoms and Functionality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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